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Saturday, May 28, 2011

'"People always wonder where great artists get their ideas. For Woody Allen, it's the middle drawer of his bedroom dresser. For years it was a rumpled brown grocery bag in the back of his closet. But now this unassuming drawer is where he stores decades of stray jokes scribbled on the backs of matchbooks and half-formed movie premises written on scraps of yellowing hotel stationery. ''There's a lot of funny stuff in there,'' says Allen. ''When I finish a picture, I empty the drawer onto my bed. Some of the ideas are tantalizing and I know there's something there, but I just can't crack them. And there are some where I go, 'What was I thinking?' Most are just great beginnings that don't go anywhere.'''

This reminded me of the box i have, with scrawled on Bob Evan's placemats from '99, that Shaun Lamb watched me sift through during the writing & recording of SFTSF.

'"Nostalgia is an unhealthy trap that's very seductive,'' says Allen. ''The problem is, life is a very cruel, tragic, and unsatisfying experience and you always think that another time in the past would have been ideal for you. For example, if I think back to belle-epoque Paris, it's like Gigi, with beautiful costumes and carriages and great wine. The reality is there was no novocaine when you went to the dentist.'''

- Rediscovering Woody

This reminded me the daily strain i have staying in the present, as they say. I'm constantly mentally revisitimg these different 'eras' of my life, making them a bigger deal than they were, romanticizing them, and forgetting about the day-to-day mediocrity and outright brokeness! I think that is why i like Twitter so much; i can go back and see exactly what was on my mind, whether banal or poignant, w/ a timestamp. Commercial over:$)